Advancing Excellence in P12 Engineering Education
Engineering Performance Matrix
Design Methods are the processes that people apply to devise novel solutions to a broad range of problem scenarios that have an identified goal and one or more reasonable pathways toward resolution. This core concept includes knowledge related to (a) iterative design cycles, (b) user-centered design, (c) systems design, (d) reverse engineering, and (e) troubleshooting. Design Methods are important to the practice of Engineering Design as engineering professionals take a more disciplined, informed, and organized approach to solve problems rather than general trial-and-error tactics. This makes it important to know and understand what design methodologies are available and how to use them.
Performance Goal for High School Learners
I can successfully develop a plan to manage an engineering project through the appropriate application of a specified design strategy.
I can distinguish between different types of iterative cycles (e.g. closed or open loop).
I can utilize an iterative cycle in the design process.
I can organize and manage an iterative cycle to improve my design.
I can describe a certain design with potential users’ perspective.
I can define who can be my potential users and what information I need from them to identify their needs and environment.
I can plan and conduct a test with potential users to optimize my design with their specific needs and environment.
I can describe inputs, outputs, process, and feedback of a system with an example.
I can identify the inputs, outputs, process, and feedback of my design.
I can analyze the inputs, outputs, process, and feedback of my design to improve it.
I can explain the process of general reverse engineering.
I can identify components of an existing system through disassembling the system.
I can identify and analyze each component of an existing design and the relationships of different components.
I can explain the process of general troubleshooting.
I can identify a troubleshooting method that is needed to identify, analyze, and solve a problem of my potential solution.
I can systematically plan and implement troubleshooting in a variety of problematic situations.