Advancing Excellence in P12 Engineering Education
Jamie Gurganus
Director of Innovative Programs and Operations
Associate Director of Engineering Education,
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Dr. Jamie Gurganus works in the Mechanical Engineering Department at UMBC, serving as an instructor and the undergraduate program coordinator. She also has a dual appointment, serving as the Associate Director of Engineering Education Initiatives for the College of Engineering and IT (COEIT) at UMBC. Her research is focused on solving problems relating to educating engineers, teachers, and the community. She seeks to identify best practices and develop assessments methods that assist teachers with student engagement, helping them to be successful throughout the STEM pipeline. A few of these key areas include engineering identity, enhancing student’s spatial abilities (k-12 and higher education), integrating service learning into the classroom, implementing new instructional methodologies, and design optimization using additive manufacturing. Jamie collaborates with a number of industry partners and consults throughout Maryland in STEM education. Through her role within the College she oversees the Project Lead the Way Summer Training Institute, is an endorsed trainer for Engineering is Elementary and serves as the operational partner for the FIRST LEGO league for the state of Maryland. Jamie has written curriculum published in a number of works in engineering education, including a Statics workbook for undergraduate engineering students. Jamie teaches several first and second year mechanical engineering classes at UMBC. She recently received the Northern Maryland Technology Council Leader Award in STEM education.